In late 2021 and early 2022, Team MakeSpace met consistently for months to develop our three-year Strategic Plan (2022-2024). We refined the vision and mission statements, narrowed down our focus areas and, most importantly, adopted an agile implementation methodology as described below. All adaptations and enhancements are informed by community feedback as well as input from team members who have been closely involved with our work.
To advance our vision, we developed six Strategic Objectives, which address where we want to be in three years. For each Strategic Objective, 2-6 Annual Objectives were developed for 2022. Each Annual Objective advances its related Strategic Objective over a one-year period and answers the “what” of our strategy. For each Annual Objective, in turn, we developed KRs (Key Results). These are action items and answer the “how” of our strategy. The annual KRs are broken down into quarterly action plans and targets.
To ensure implementation, we meet twice a month to discuss progress and resolve roadblocks. At the end of each quarter, the KRs are reset (or replaced if completed) and the plan for the next quarter is set in motion. The implementation of the plans is carried out by a team consisting of staff and volunteers.
To see the Strategic Objectives and related Annual Objectives for 2022, please click here.